Architecture manifests itself through mass and surface. Mass and surface are determined by plan. The creator is the plan. Shame on those without imagination!Abstract
Many factors have influenced the formation of it. The Industrial Revolution, which began with the steam engine found by James Watt in the late 1800s, played an important role. The industrial revolution, which started in European countries such as England and France from the beginning, spread to the whole world in a very short time. With the industrial revolution, there have been fundamental changes not only in the field of architecture, but in every aspect of human life. With mechanization, material access and processing has become easier. Due to the need for labor that was created with the industrial revolution, many people flocked from rural to industrial zones. Although it is positive in terms of job opportunities, the unhealthy living environment of the employees and the excessive dense settlement in the industrial zones have created a chaos environment both socially and in terms of urbanism. New settlements were needed to solve this and the concept of mass housing started in this period. The architect of the industrial revolution had many positive aspects. Heavy metals have become very easy to transport, process and use. In addition to the use of new materials, new construction techniques have also developed, which has brought many innovations to the understanding of architecture in the world. Developing technological opportunities and competition between countries has become a competition in terms of architect. With the introduction of new opportunities, materials such as metal, concrete and glass, the architects of the time went on to create a new trend and the foundations of modern architecture were laid